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Jon Salinger was born in Napa, and by high school was living in St. Helena, CA, making the Napa Valley the cornerstone of his life.  While accepted into UC Berkeley, a desire to study political science drew him to Sacramento State University, where he could gain experience in the capital throughout his studies.  After completing a degree in Government, Jon headed right into graduate school to obtain a Masters in Public Administration.  In May of 1978, Salinger was married, finishing his master’s work, and with four years of various internship experiences was prepared to launch his career in Sacramento politics.  The first week of June, Proposition 13 passed in California, rolling back property taxes and causing a freeze on all governmental hiring in the state.  With no place to go, Jon fell into being a stock broker in Walnut Creek and later Lafayette, California.


After a few years, he realized he didn’t want to wake up and be 60 years old without trying a different career. His wife had made a shift from Parks and Recreation to teaching. She suggested his love of working with kids might be a good ingredient for teaching and coaching.  In August of 1984, Salinger made a huge career shift, signing up as a substitute teacher to see if he liked it. One day he was a stockbroker, the next week, he was substituting in his first gig, kindergarten.  Subbing in everything from kindergarten to physics, Salinger liked the school setting.  Summer of 1985, he had the opportunity to return to St. Helena as the assistant varsity football coach. Salinger continued to be a substitute teacher as he returned to school to obtain his teaching credential. After obtaining his credential, his first position was teaching at the continuation high school.  It gave him great insights into the issues, hurdles and often walls our students have in their lives.  Behind every student who was acting up, cutting school, getting in fights, doing alcohol and/or drugs, there was a story. 


Over his career, which included teaching at the continuation high school, Salinger taught government and economics; was a Dean of Students, Continuation High School Principal and High School Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction.  Through much of his career, Salinger worked with school resource officers. This helped give him insight into how many officers think and act, along with their philosophies towards people who have broken the law.


Salinger has traveled extensively, with many of his trips to Asia and the South Pacific heading up school accreditation teams.  He continues to work with three Universities, as a supervisor of student teachers and placement coordinator.


He and his wife have three girls, and later brought a cousin's son into the family after her passing.  Another of the cousin’s  son chose to stay back east at the time but joined the family as an adult. The family has been blessed with 8 grandchildren with more on the way.


Salinger's mother was raised in Berkeley and his father in San Francisco.  These ties to San Francisco going back into the ‘20’s helped foster the setting of Pinky Swear.   


Jon Salinger has always had a reputation as a story teller. This, coupled with a wicked sense of humor, a propensity for practical jokes, a strong imagination and attention to details, all add spice to his writings.

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